Inactivated Oil Emulsified Vaccine Against S.enteritidis and S.typhimurium Infections
It is indicated for prophylactic vaccination of chickens against S.enteritidis and S.typhimurium.
A dose of vaccine is equivalent to 0.5 ml and administered by subcutenous route in the neck.
It is offered for sales in polypropylene vials of 500 doses (250ml) and 1000 doses (500ml).
Inactivated Oil Emulsified Vaccine Against Avian Viral Tenosynovitis
REO-VAC is recommended for vaccination of broiler and layer breeders against avian viral tenosynovitis.
It is administered to 16-18 week-old breeders at a dose of 0.5 ml by subcutaneous route in the dorsal region of the neck.
It is offered for sales in polypropylene vials of 500 doses (250ml) and 1000 doses (500ml).
Inactivated Oil Emulsified Vaccine Against Newcastle Disease and Avian Cholera
It is used for the prophylaxis of Newcastle Disease and Avian Cholera in chickens and turkeys.
PM-OLVAC is administered at a dose of 0.5 ml by subcutaneous route in the dorsal region of the neck at the age of 3-5 weeks old.
It is offered for sales in polypropylene vials of 500 doses (250ml) and 1000 doses (500ml).
Inactivated Oil Emulsified Vaccine Against Newcastle Disease, Emulsion for Injection
It is indicated for prophylactic vaccination in order to ensure active immunization of breeder and layer chickens against Newcastle disease.
Vaccine is inoculated at a dose of 0.5 ml per head by subcutaneous route in the dorsal region of the neck.
It is offered for sales in single polystyrene boxes containing polypropylene vials of 500 doses (250 ml) and 1000 doses (500 ml) with the package leaflet.
Emulsion for Injection, Inactivated Oil Emulsified Vaccine Against Newcastle Disease
OLVAC ONE DAY is indicated to induce immunity against ND, particularly in 1-day old chicks with early exposure to Newcastle disease (ND) in the field.
The vaccine is inoculated at a dose of 0.1 ml per one-day old chick by subcutaneous route in the dorsal region of the neck.
It is offered for sales in polypropylene vials of 2500 doses (250 ml) and 5000 doses (500ml), and in multiple polystyrene boxes containing polypropylene vials of 10 x 2500 doses (250 ml) and 5000 doses (500ml) with the package leaflet.
Inactivated Oil Emulsified Vaccine Against Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis and Infectious Bursal Disease
It is indicated for the prophylaxis of Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis and Infectious Bursal Disease.
Vaccine is inoculated by subcutaneous route in the dorsal region of the neck or intramuscular route in the breast.
It is offered for sales in polypropylene vials of 500 doses (250ml) and 1000 doses (500ml).
Inactivated Oil Emulsified Vaccine Against Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Infections
It is indicated for the prophylaxis of Mycoplasma gallisepticum infections in commercial layer chickens and turkeys.
Vaccine must be inoculated to commercial layer chickens at a dose of 0.5 ml by intramuscular route in the breast or subcutaneous route in the dorsal region of the neck.
It is offered for sales in polypropylene vials of 500 doses (250ml) and 1000 doses (500ml).
Inactivated Oil Emulsified Vaccine Against Egg Drop Syndrome and Newcastle Disease
It is effective in protection against Egg Drop Syndrome’76 and Newcastle disease.
It must be inoculated at a dose of 0.5 ml by intramuscular route in the breast or subcutaneous route in the neck.
It is offered for sales in polypropylene vials of 500 doses (250ml) and 1000 doses (500ml).
Inactivated Oil Emulsified Vaccine Against Infectious Bronchitis and Newcastle Disease
It is indicated for the prophylaxis of Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bronchitis Disease.
A dose of 0.5 ml per head must be administered to animals subcutaneously in the neck or intramuscularly in the breast.
It is offered for sales in polypropylene vials of 500 doses (250ml) and 1000 doses (500ml).
Inactivated Vaccine Adsorbed on Aluminum Hydroxide Against Avian Coryza
It is indicated for the prophylaxis of Avian Infectious Coryza.
Vaccine must be administered to breeders and layers at a dose of 0.5 ml by subcutaneous route in the dorsal region of the neck.
It is offered for sales in polypropylene vials of 500 doses (250ml) and 1000 doses (500ml)
Inactivated Vaccine Adsorbed on Aluminum Hydroxide Against Avian Coryza
It is indicated for the prophylaxis of Avian Infectious Coryza.
Vaccine must be administered to breeders and layers at a dose of 0.5 ml by subcutaneous route in the dorsal region of the neck.
It is offered for sales in polypropylene vials of 500 doses (250ml) and 1000 doses (500ml).
Inactivated Oil Emulsified Vaccine Against Infectious Bursal Disease and Newcastle Disease
G-OLVAC is a combined vaccine produced from highly immunogenic strains of Newcastle Disease virus and Infectious Bursal Disease virus.
Vaccine must be inoculated at a dose of 0.5 ml per head subcutaneously in the dorsal region of the neck or intramuscularly in the breast.
It is offered for sales in polypropylene vials of 500 doses (250ml) and 1000 doses (500ml).
Live attenuated quadrivalent vaccine against coccidiosis in poultry
Vaccine stimulates lifelong immunity against coccidiosis in domestic breeder poultry (Gallus domesticus).
It is must be administered orally to 1-10 day old chicks.
1 ml is approximately equivalent to 100 doses.
10 ml (= 1.000 doses) or 50 ml (= 5.000 doses) vaccine is offered for sales in polypropylene vials with screw closure. 10 vials of both sizes are offered in a single cardboard box.
Live attenuated vaccine against coccidiosis in poultry
Vaccine stimulates lifelong immunity against coccidiosis in domestic broiler, breeder and layer poultry (Gallus domesticus).
It is must be administered orally to 1-10 day old chicks.
1 ml is approximately equivalent to 100 doses.
10 ml (= 1.000 doses) or 50 ml (= 5.000 doses) vaccine is offered for sales in polypropylene vials with screw closure. 10 vials of both sizes are offered in a single cardboard box.
Frozen Vaccine and Its Diluent for Suspension for Injection Against Marek’s Disease
Freeze-Dried Live Vaccine Against Fowl Pox
It is prepared with live attenuated strain of Fowl Pox virus, cultivated on embryonated SPF eggs, and then freeze-dried and sealed under vacuum.
It is indicated for protection against fowl pox.
It is inoculated by subcutaneous route.
It is offered for sales in boxes containing 1000 doses of vaccine and 1000 doses of diluent, boxes containing 1000 doses of vaccine x 10 vials and 1000 doses of diluent x 10 vials.
Freeze-Dried Live Vaccine Against Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro Disease)
IBA-VAC can be administered to broilers, breeders and layers; a single administration is sufficient to induce a lasting immunity.
Vaccination best carried when administered in drinking water.
It is offered for sales in glass vial of 1000 doses*10, glass vial of 2500 doses*10, glass vial of 5000 doses*10 in cardboard boxes.
Freeze-Dried Live Vaccine Against Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro Disease)
IBA-VAC ST contains moderately–attenuated 2512 hot strain of Infectious Bursal Disease virus. IBA-VAC ST is indicated for immunization of broilers, layers and breeders against Infectious Bursal Disease.
Vaccination is effective when administered in drinking water.
It is offered for sales in glass vial of 1000 doses*10, glass vial of 2500 doses*10, glass vial of 5000 doses*10 in cardboard boxes.
Freeze-Dried Live Vaccine Against Newcastle Disease
It is indicated for active immunization to prevent mortality, clinical symptoms and lesions of avian Newcastle disease in chickens.
It is administered orally or by oculo-nasal route and spray.
It is offered for sales in white glass vials of type I as 10 x 1000 doses, white glass vials of type I as 10 x 2500 doses, white glass vials of type I as 10 x 5000 doses with package leaflet in multiple cardboard boxes.
Freeze-Dried Live Vaccine Against Avian Infectious Bronchitis
BI-VAC 1° is prepared with Massachusetts H 120 strain of Infectious Bronchitis virus, cultivated on embryonated SPF eggs, and then freeze-dried and sealed under vacuum.
It is specifically indicated for protection against Avian Infectious Bronchitis. It is administered in drinking water.
It is offered for sales in glass vial of 1000 doses*10, glass vial of 2500 doses*10, glass vial of 5000 doses*10 in cardboard boxes.
BIO-VAC NDV 6/10-H120
Freeze-Dried Vaccine Against Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bronchitis
It is indicated for active immunization of chickens in order to reduce the mortality, clinical symptoms and lesions of Newcastle disease and reduce the clinical symptoms and lesions of Infectious Bronchitis.
It is administered by spray or in drinking water. It is administered to 1-day-old chicks by nebulizer.
It is offered for sales in white glass vials of type I as 10 x 1000 doses, white glass vials of type I as 10 x 2500 doses, white glass vials of type I as 10 x 5000 doses with package leaflet in multiple cardboard boxes.
Freeze-Dried Live Vaccine Against Newcastle Disease
It is indicated for active immunization to prevent mortality, clinical symptoms and lesions of avian Newcastle disease in chickens.
It is administered orally or by oculo-nasal route and spray.
It is offered for sales in white glass vials of type I as 10 x 1000 doses, white glass vials of type I as 10 x 2500 doses, white glass vials of type I as 10 x 5000 doses with package leaflet in multiple cardboard boxes.
Freeze-Dried Live Vaccine Against Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bronchitis
It is effective in protection against Newcastle disease and Infectious Bronchitis.
It is administered by oculo-nasal route and being dissolved in drinking water.
It is offered for sales in glass vial of 1000 doses*10, glass vial of 2500 doses*10, glass vial of 5000 doses*10 in cardboard boxes.
Freeze-Dried Live Vaccine Against Newcastle Disease
BIO-VAC LA SOTA is prepared with La Sota strain of Newcastle disease virus, cultivated on embryonated SPF eggs, and then freeze-dried and sealed under vacuum.
It is administered in drinking water.
It is offered for sales in glass vial of 1000 doses*10, glass vial of 2500 doses*10, glass vial of 5000 doses*10 in cardboard boxes.
Freeze-Dried Live Vaccine Against Newcastle Disease
BIO-VAC CLONE is prepared with Clone CL strain of Newcastle disease virus, cultivated on embryonated SPF eggs, and then freeze-dried and sealed under vacuum.
Administration route: it is administered intraocularly or by spray or in drinking water.
It is offered for sales in glass vial of 1000 doses*10, glass vial of 2500 doses*10, glass vial of 5000 doses*10 in cardboard boxes.
Freeze-Dried Live Vaccine Against Avian Viral Arthritis
It is recommended as the first vaccination of breeding flocks against avian viral arthritis. It is injected subcutaneously into dorsal region of the neck. Each dose consists of 0.2 ml of reconstituted vaccine.
It is offered for sales in cardboard boxes containing glass vial of 1000 doses*10 and diluent in polypropylene vials of 1000 doses (200ml).
Freeze-Dried Live Vaccine Against Newcastle Disease
It is indicated for immunoprophylaxis by oculo-nasal and oral route to prevent mortality, clinical symptoms and lesions of avian Newcastle disease in chickens.
BIO-VAC B1 is administered by oculo-nasal route or orally in drinking water.
It is offered for sales in white glass vials of type I as 10 x 1.000, white glass vials of type I as 10 x 2.500, white glass vials of type I as 10 x 5000 with package leaflet in multiple cardboard boxes.
Freeze-Dried Live Vaccine for Oral Suspension Against Fowl Typhoid and Salmonella Enteritidis
BIO-VAC SGP 695 is a live vaccine, which contains attenuated SGP695AV strain of Salmonella gallinarum/pullorum. It stimulates active immunity against fowl typhoid caused by Salmonella gallinarum and infections caused by Salmonella enteritidis. For layer and broiler chickens; it is indicated for active immunization of pullets in order to reduce mortality, symptoms, lesions and the decrease in egg production due to fowl typhoid caused by Salmonella gallinarum and to reduce infection and persistence of Salmonella enteritidis in the internal organs and ovary. The vaccine must be administered in the drinking water, not earlier than 7 days of age.
It is offered for sales in single cardboard boxes of 1000 doses, 2000 doses and 2500 doses or 10*1000 doses (10.000 doses) and 10*2500 doses (25.000 doses) – in vials of Type III in multiple cardboard boxes.